Bali, Sparkle, Neuf, Upperville & mowing

It was a busy day!

I started out by finishing up some laundry, there had been a backlog, and I am terrible at sorting the laundry, but if Pat sorts for me, I find it easy to just stop at the washer/dryer and get it done while doing other stuff. Between Sunday and this morning I think there were 9 or 10 loads of laundry. The barn laundry is next.

It was almost cold outside! We’d had a big rain, so my ring was wet enough to drag, I got Pat to help me change the mowing deck for the arena drag, then I dragged the ring, and we changed back to the mowing deck, because the rain and cool weather means everything needs to be mown again.

Next I tacked up Bali, and we had a good workout. She wasn’t quite as gooey to the right as Friday, but she worked well and I really focused on getting even contact in both reins. When the canter half pass was lackluster, I did some transitions and tried to analyze what needed to be fixed, it got better, but it is time for a lesson.


Then, I brought in the boys and fed everyone, got Sparkle tacked up and rode for about 15 minutes in the ring, before heading over to my neighbor’s to head out on a trail ride.

Had a nice ride, got back at 12:30, saw Suzy was out riding Tanq in the field and that meant I had a ground person to be around while I rode Neuf. He’d had 2 weeks off, and while he is fabulous, he is still only 3, and very green, so I prefer to have company when I ride him. I skipped the lunging too, because I prefer riding to lunging most of the time. Neuf prefers riding as well.

Neuf had an active splint and so other than a check out one week ago, he got two weeks off. I was planning on giving him a couple of weeks off soon, but this moved his vacation up.

He is still fabulous. He did not forget a thing, he is still stiff left.

Neuf, enjoying the large puddle a few weeks ago.

Then we grabbed sandwiches inside and headed over to watch a couple of hours at the Upperville Colt & Horse Show. It is always fun to watch at Upperville, and the weather is gorgeous this week. It usually either pours rain or is blazing hot for Upperville. This year is perfection!

We got home to turnout horses, Suzy helped me do the stalls, then it was time to mow the yard and start on the barn areas. I was freezing cold when I got off the mower, came in, made dinner and ate, but never did finish the barn.

About Mel

Random musings in a riding journal
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